‘Learning, Caring and Growing Together in Faith’

Autumn 2

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Autumn 2- Protect our planet! 

This half term we will have a geography focus learning and recapping the UK’s countries, capital 
cities and surrounding seas. We will also learn the continents of the world and 

We will then link this to protecting our planet, thinking about ways in which we can help. 


In Science we will explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive. We will continue with our learning from last half term and will identify and name a variety of plants 
and animals in their habitats.

In our art lessons we are going to be learning all about the designer, Gary Anderson. We will use printing techniques to create our own logo similar to that of Gary Anderson’s.  We will use the environment to support design of 

In RE we are looking at the Christmas Story and understanding how and why it is known as Good News. 
We will learn how good news is delivered, understand why the news of baby Jesus 
was so important, explain how the good news is celebrated today and nderstand the importance of the angels 
in the Christmas story.


In Maths this half term, we will be learning:

• Shape
• Multiplication 
• Statistics
• Money 
• Fractions
• Time
• Capacity and Volume 


In English this half term, we will be focusing on:

• Descriptive writing 
• Persuasive writing 
• Poems on a theme

We will use Clean up!, One Plastic Bag and Tidy! as texts to support our English.


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