‘Learning, Caring and Growing Together in Faith’

Collective Worship

Our School Vision Statement

St Andrew's Infant School is a Christian school where children are happy, nurtured and love learning. 

Through an inspiring and inspirational curriculum, we strive to ensure our children flourish spiritually, 

academically, and creatively to become cofident, resilient learners. 

Everyone here learns, cares and grows together in faith.


School Motto

“Learning, Caring and Growing together in Faith”


Our Values








Our Christian Narrative:

‘God is my strength in whom I trust.’ Psalm 18


Our Bible story:

The parable of the two builders - Matthew 7

'God is my strength in whom I trust.' (Psalm 18)


Collective Worship is an important part of our school day. It gives out pupils and school staff the opportunity to: 

  • engage in an act of communtiy
  • express praise and thanksgiving to God
  • be still and reflect
  • explore big questions and respond to national events
  • foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness
  • reflect on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ
  • affirm Christian values and attitudes
  • share each other's joys and challenges 
  • celebrate special times in the Christian calendar 


Monday - Our worship is led by Mrs Woan 

Tuesday - We have time to worship in our classes. We use Picture News to explore big questions. 

Wednesday - Katy comes from Church to lead our Worship 

Thursday - Teachers lead singing worship

Friday - Celebration worship 


"I like celebration worship. It is a time when you can feel proud of yourself or proud of other people." Isla

"I like it when Katy comes in. She helps us learn about the Bible so then we can be more like Jesus." Mathilda

"Learning about Jesus helps us to get rid of our sins - Jesus helps us and he teaches me to be nice." Luna

"We learn about God in worship and we sing songs. It helps us to learn about our school rules, be kind, be honest and do our best. God made us and the world." Alice

"I really like singing in worship. It makes me feel happy. I like learning about God" Sophia

"I really like it when grown ups come to worship on Friday and they sing with us." Catherine 


We have Spiritual Leaders in all year groups who help to lead Collective Worship. These children help adults set up for worship and they help throughout worship in different ways such as leading in prayer or selecting music linked to the half termly value. 

spiritual leader(1).PNG


Below you will find links to some of our favourite worship songs:


Autumn 1 - Truthfulness: 

Big Bible Story

God Speaks


Autumn 2 - Thankfulness: 

Thank you Lord for this new day

Lovely Jubbly


Spring 1 - Compassion: 

The Butterfly Song

Our God is a Great Big God

Jesus Love is Very Wonderful


Spring 2 - Forgiveness:

 He Died Upon the Cross

Jesus Christ is Now Alive

Summer 1 - Perseverance: 

Remember the Lord

Father You are King of Heaven


Summer 2 - Friendship

Magic Penny

My God is So Big