‘Learning, Caring and Growing Together in Faith’

Kingfishers 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Kingfishers! 

Your teachers are:

Mrs Winrow

Mrs Winrow.jpg

 Miss Byrne 


Your teaching assistant is 

Mrs Hanlon

Mrs Hanlon.jpg



Useful information:


Please can you make sure that every item of clothing has your child's name in. 

This half term our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure your child has an indoor PE kit in school which is clearly labelled. Thank you.

Maths home learning is set every Friday on SUMDOG and must be completed by the following Friday

Reading books should be brought into school daily and they changed on a Friday. The children will also bring home a library book of their choice each week.

Please use your childs reading record to let us know how your child is getting on at home. Reading little and often is recommended.

Spellings are sent home every Friday on Class Dojo. These can be practised in your child's home learning book. 


Our Class Prayer:


class prayer image.png



We are a Dojo Class! Keep up to date with us on there, we will share photographs and information. 


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