‘Learning, Caring and Growing Together in Faith’


Our School Vision Statement

St Andrew's Infant School is a Christian school where children are happy, nurtured and love learning. 

Through an inspiring and inspirational curriculum, we strive to ensure our children flourish spiritually, 

academically, and creatively to become cofident, resilient learners. 

Everyone here learns, cares and grows together in faith.


School Motto

“Learning, Caring and Growing together in Faith”


Our Values







Our Christian Narrative:

‘God is my strength in whom I trust.’ Psalm 18


Our Bible story:

The parable of the two builders - Matthew 7


'God is my strength in whom I trust.' (Psalm 18)

What is Spirituality?

At St. Andrew’s CE Infant School, we believe that we can develop our spirituality by taking time to reflect, show appreciation and be in the moment. Spirituality is a thread throughout our curriculum, including magical moments of awe and wonder. It is something that teaches us about questioning, understanding and relationships: relationships with ourselves, others, the world and beyond. Spirituality nourishes both ourselves and those around us, helping us to feel content, calm and clear headed.

The Church of England’s Vision for Education states a core desire that children will experience life in all its fullness (John 10:10). At St. Andrew’s we believe that exploring spirituality by educating the whole child and providing full life experiences meets this desire. Spirituality is a reflective journey and includes appreciating the beauty of the world around us. It enables our children to be happy; flourish and succeed and live life in all its fullness.

We have planned opportunities throughout the curriculum to develop spirituality amongst our children. For example, children use their senses and take time to reflect and appreciate our world when we visit Worden Park. Activities such as breathing exercises, reflection and discussion time are also built into our curriculum as well as varied opportunities for children to question and wonder.

As well as these planned opportunities, we recognise the importance of spontaneous moments that cannot always be planned for. We celebrate and record these throughout the year.


"At my house it's always busy so I like having calm time when I'm listening to music, reading or writing." Zoe

"I have calm places that I go to. My bedroom is a calm place and I talk to my hamster." Ester

"I like listening to music. It makes me feel relaxed and helps me to concentrate." Tilly

"Big questions make people think. People have different opinions and that doesn't matter." Zoe



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