‘Learning, Caring and Growing Together in Faith’



We teach children to read and write using the high quality phonics programme Red Rose Phonics. This is a sequenced scheme which links to the reading books which children read.

Daily phonics lessons in Reception and KS1 classes enable children to develop their skills in reading, writing and spelling. Phonics sessions are structured to build on previous learning and introduce new phonics skills and subject knowledge. Adults carefully plan daily lessons that teach children new letter sounds and words and allow consolidation of previously learned sounds and words. Activities are planned to allow children to apply the skills and knowledge learned to become fluent readers and increasingly accurate spellers.

Phonics data is tracked half termly and gaps in understanding are used to teach targetted intervention. Any child who is not making the expected progress will be given extra support to help them improve reading and spelling skills and make progress. Support will also be provided for older pupils who may be experiencing difficulty in reading/writing because they have missed or misunderstood a crucial phase of systematic phonics teaching. 

In the summer term, Y1 children take a National Phonics Screening Check in which children will be assessed on their reading of 40 decodable ‘words’. This progress check identifies those children who are not yet at the expected stage in reading. We are careful not to pressurise the children, and we ensure they are not aware they are being tested. Any children who do not meet the standard in Year 1 take the assessment again in Year 2. 



Children take part in a guided reading session weekly, led by an adult. This is where children are taught how to apply phonics learning and develop their reading ability. Children also read to adults on a 1:1 basis throughout the week. 3 reading books are taken home each week:

  1. New Learning-the guided reading book from that week
  2. Revist learning-a phonically decodable book to recap and consolidate learning
  3. Reading for pleasure- a free choice book whih children pick to share with parents

We have recently invested £12,000 in new books which the children are really enjoying.

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